Black Power Blueprint

Affordable Housing Program

St. Louis, MO

Case Study

St. Louis is a city in decline, with the second highest rate of population loss in the U.S.  The vast majority of the city’s over 25,000 boarded up, crumbling, abandoned buildings and vacant lots contaminate the landscape of the Black community of North St. Louis where most of the city’s  over 2000 homeless people struggle to survive.  The Team Four Plan became the official policy for the past 50 years that diverted  tax dollars, Federal and City funds, into white communities creating the infamous Delmar Divide.

The African People’s Education & Defense Fund (APEDF), led by Board President Ona Zené Yeshitela, and the Black Power Blueprint is transforming the environment of this community to center around every aspect of the lives of our people by building economic self-determination programs to feed, clothe and house ourselves. 

The Affordable Housing program is a project by and for the black community! APEDF is  currently renovating multiple properties that have been sitting unoccupied for between 15-30 years.  APEDF funded renovations, not only to resuscitate valuable housing stock left to rot by the city, but also to create employment for contractors, mainly African and Indigenous community members including skilled trades people and hardworking laborers. 

Renovations are in progress on the building that displays a magnificent 30 foot long mural overlooking the Gary Brooks Black Power Community Garden and the 50 foot flag pole that flies the red, black and green flag that unites the community. When completed this vacant space also will feature 2 apartments and a store front. 

Renovations have been completed on a 4-plex apartment building slated to house participants in the African Independence Workforce Program who are returning to the community from the colonial prison system.  

In spite of misguided opposition from the city, this project shows how a community can be uplifted to become a beautiful, positive place to live. North St. Louis was once a thriving, cohesive Black community, with healthy black businesses and a vibrant cultural life. APEDF is building and bringing the community together to bring that back!


St. Louis, MO


$150,000 RAISED!
